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How to submit a candidate manually on Recrooit?

The best way to help anyone nail that job is to add more details on why you recommend them for the job. Here's how to refer a candidate through your dashboard.

  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. Find the position you want to send a referral for
  3. Click Add candidate
  4. Fill out the form
  5. Click Submit candidate

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Consent emails

When you refer a candidate by submitting their details, they will be sent an email seeking their consent. This process ensures that candidates are aware of and agree to their referral, preventing unsolicited referrals.

What is candidate brief?

A candidate brief is a sum-up of everything you've learned about them. Their previous experience, interest, tech stack, soft skills, languages they speak, and anything that you believe will improve their chances of getting an interview invite.

Writing a brief when adding candidates manually is not necessary, but it could improve your chances to get that that bounty.

Candidate brief example

Peter has a 20 years long-lasting career in the tech field. From development, team lead roles, to tech project manager, system architect, and CTO positions.

He has worked on many different projects, mostly fintech-related: products for financial markets, online gaming ( real-time systems ), tax refunding platform, banking products, projects related to energy sourcing, and nowadays he is involved in a few projects - blockchain platform for real estate trading, ML projects and retail.

Technologies he has experience with are C#, Microsoft technologies, Azure, JavaScript, databases.

You can also refer candidates using referral links or job board.

Something we didn't cover?

We've tried to cover as much as possible in this guide, but there is always room for improvement. If we missed something, or you'd like to simply share your ideas, love and support, email us at [email protected] Someone will be in touch with you in no time. ✌️